NEHOG 4 yr. ago. The site said that the data was registered successfully and the staff will review it and lift the limitation "in a few working days". It seems to be taking an unnecessary amount of time for them to confirm all this. In an attempt to give a fair verdict on the situation, I'll end on the following note: Wherher or not others are likely to experience such problems depends on where they live and what kinds of documents they have available. 8. I really need my money by Friday Im really sad about this. Absolutely dodgy, I am going to avoid using them at all costs when I can and provide refunds and/or discounts to customers paying via non-PayPal methods. Is it normal for identity reviews to take this long? Address. If you have been asked to verify your identity via the Resolution Centre, this is normally reviewed by the relevant team within 24/72 hours. Add a Comment. It seems to be taking an unnecessary amount of time for them to confirm all this. Today I received a payment, so I login to my account to withdraw money to my bank account. HelloTroyEbdo1! How can I make a PayPal account without a bank account? Just looking for some feeback from the community as to how long it took for Paypal to confirm your identity. Leave the Archive. Just like signing up for a bank account, you just need to confirm your identity to get full access to your account and send, receive and withdraw funds. I am unable to withdraw money to bank account. Confirm your identity (KYC). To help ensure PayPal remains a safer place for all customers to transact, and to comply with regulatory requirements, we may ask you to confirm your identity when you're reaching a total transaction value of S$7,500. Unfortunately yesterday the app wouldn't let me sign in. Was just approved for a line if credit on there and have a verified account with Bank and debit card confirmed. Problem with account identity verification. Even in my country and for my bank, my situation appears to be unheard of. Can a user not expect any basic reliability and consistency from what is supposedly one of the largest payment services on the planet!? Even at this very moment, I don't know which of the latest documents are either rejected or yet to be reviewed. Transfer money online in seconds with PayPal money transfer. Leave the Archive. Please help me with what suddenly went wrong with my account. This time it didn't say that my documents were rejected (the usual), but that my address settings in my account are incorrect, because they don't match what is written in the provided documentation "word by word". Documents required based on account type. Leave the Archive. It has been 72 hours since this ''technical fault'' has been going on. Acceptable identity documents are a passport, driver's license, or government-issued ID. I'm pretty disappointed with the way PayPal has been handling the issue, even if of course it could always be worse. The chat feature is totally fc*kd, the resolution center is even worse, and their staff hang the calls for hours. it is important that all the steps listed in the Resolution Centre are completed; otherwise, the relevant team will wait till they all are completed. I spoke with the PayPal staff two times on the phone. Leave the Archive. So apparently PayPal wasn't able to confirm my identity and is forcing me to send in a bunch of personal information in order to confirm my identity, such as photo ID, a proof of address via bill (I don't get bills, so I have no idea how I'm going to get this part done. There is no excuse for what is happening: PayPal is punishing those who have done absolutely nothing wrong, who have never broken either the law nor their terms of service, who have shown only good will and fully played by their rules something no institution with a speck of professionalism would ever do to their clients! Why keep telling me to do something after I've already done my part? 1999-2022 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. Go to the PayPal Web site and click the "Personal" tab across the top of the screen to get to the "Financial Products" tab. I even had a discussion with the bank clerk while they were printing the file, and he told me that many clients of the bank use their cards with PayPal yet they've never heard of them ever being asked this sort of info, as well as mentioning that the statement they're giving me (stamped and signed) should be everything an institution like PayPal would legally require. However my account already is restricted! The first staff member I called told me to go to my bank and ask them to print out a written statement, guaranteeing me that this will work and they will lift the restriction once they receive it. Jesus Christ 1999-2022 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. The address that does not exist. Scroll the mouse over "Financial Services" underneath the "Personal" tab, and then click "PayPal Plus Credit Card" in the dropdown menu.Then click "Apply Now." 6. Several more weeks have passed. Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. To summarize this in a very clear way: Are you even serious? Can someone please explain to me just what in the world is going on here? By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. I don't believe that in the year 2017 people should have to deal with stress due to such easily avoidable issues. The page that appears when you submit identity information still says, and I quote the exact sentence, "we'll get back to you within a few business days". I had to make a second address which I set as my primary address. This content may be old or outdated. How is this possible in year 2017?! How long does it take for paypal to confirm your identity? However I'm not sure I want to lose whole days doing even that at this point; PayPal will surely find yet another reason to reject those too as they have with everything else, even if they explicitly say they will accept it. But obviously not even this was possible without encountering further issues: First of all, I cannot edit my address because it's linked to a bank card, and apparently addresses linked to cards may not be edited for some inexplicable reason. I however have been waiting for an entire month. If you are in another country just search for your relevant Financial Ombudsman. It says 2 days, but it's been over 48 hours. How do I complete PayPal verification? To make PayPal a safer place for you and your customers, we would like some more information to better understand your business. 1 comment. Nov-06-2020 03:26 AM. I recently submitted a utility bill, SSN number, and photo ID. Whilecustomer support was kind and tried to be helpful, there wasn't much they could do in the face of the strict criteria set by the PayPal administrators. 7. Is it suppose to take this long? Sure; We get that there are bad guys in the world, the cops need to fight the traffickers and money laundering, PayPal needs to respect the law, bla bla bla however we have no fault in this, nor are us users bureaucratic experts whom can be asked to deal with this sort of thing in a month's notice. Does this message mean the system may add even more restrictions, or are they referring to the same ones being reconfirmed? I hope they get in return what they have offered to others, knowing that society and the rules of competition eventually punish those who treat others unfairly as PayPal has done in my and other cases. I however have been waiting for an entire month. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. If it takes a few weeks why dont they say that instead of 2-3 days? 4. I'm neither good at dealing with forms nor wish to have to send even more (ideally private) documents to people I don't personally know, so I don't want to find myself dragged into this sort of thing too much. I believe PayPal absolutely needs to make their criteria more lax, and be much less paranoid with their verification process! Although I consider this a disturbing invasion of privacy and did not appreciate being requested to send scanned documents over an internet connection, I did so and uploaded what Paypal asked me to on their website form. If we need to confirm your identity, we'll try to confirm your full name, residential address and date of birth electronically. 1999-2022 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. A few days ago, a document was finally accepted as proof of address. Greetings everyone. This content may be old or outdated. Proof of address. You are viewing the PayPal Community Archives. I need to add some checks to my account as soon as possible. I don't know which of the two the staff checks most, so I had to note down both links and upload everything twice to be certain. I sent them a scan of my last bank statement after that, which contains my bank's logo as well as my full name and address. So how long does it typically take for this to process? 2. Payoneer offers the option to download a card statement in PDF format, which thank goodness happens to be formated in a way that meets all the criteria PayPal wants (company name and logo, my full name and address, date of issue, recent transactions). I'm awaiting clear instructions from PP soon, and for the whole ordeal to be resolved already. I asked them what I did wrong and why documents that clearly meet their requirements are being rejected all they could point out is that they all just so happen not to work, because this bit is printed over there and that bit isn't visible the way PayPal expects it and god only knows what else. 1. The only reason I use Paypal is to buy on eBay, other than that I use Alipay instead. The only option I have now is to run around the city, seeing which institutions can issue a government statement clarifying that I live at my address. But what do you know: The bank I use just so happens not to print the customer's address on their statements, nor have their logo on them so needless to say this was also just a slap in the face. You are viewing the PayPal Community Archives. PayPal Financial services Financial sector Business Business, Economics, and Finance. I have no idea whether this still counts as what they want, but it's all I was allowed to do. If to most people that term means somewhere between 3 to 5 days, for PayPal this term represents a month. Can't access my account at all. If we can't, we'll ask you to submit two documents. Like I said I've submitted a dozen files to them over the course of two months, because no matter what proof of address I gave them there was always a reason to reject it. Paypal notified me that there was a "suspicious login" from a strange location (judging from the . PayPal has some recklessly strict criteria on what counts as valid "proof of address"; If one letter or date is missing or out of place, you can send them every bill or bank statement in the world and they'll still reject it if you have no way of obtaining a document that counts, though luck to you as far as PayPal is concerned. The situation is pretty stressful since, to be frank, me and my mother's lives literally depends on having this account up and running; If they block my ability to receive and withdraw payments, we have no way to pay our bills or buy food, we are homeless and pretty much dead. PayPal requires proof of identity if you are unable to verify a bank account or debit card. I continue receiving emails saying "we need more information about you", whereas the ticket has the status "waiting for your response". I know everything should be fine, given I provided Paypal with exactly what they asked me for; I'm only a bit worried since I know that in bureaucratic situations, some services and people find reasons to use this as a means of making users lives harder, starting up games of the form "this isn't conclusive, this looks too blurry, we don't like you so please also send this". Best. I hope PayPal understands the responsibility they have toward those who depend on them including people who don't have an endless supply of documents to satisfy picky verifications which in a normal society shouldn't even exist. Here's yet another update from today, furthering the mockery and incompetence I've been seeing from PayPal. Each one formats the address differently, I don't know how the heck they want me to prefix my block and entrance and floor and apartment number! The situation has reached the point of being outright unreal. My latest payout caused a new counter to appear saying "you have 29 days to resolve before your account becomes restricted". How long does it normally take for paypal to actually confirm this stuff? En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies ou technologies similaires par SabilAlHaqq, pour permettre l'laboration de statistiques en vue de l'amlioration du site et vous permettre de partager du contenu sur les rseaux sociaux. All of them show my address clear as daylight, except for just one. Questions regarding verification of my identity. If you have been asked to verify your identity via the Resolution Centre, this is normally reviewed by the relevant team within 24/72 hours. 1999-2022 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. Some people have solved this verification process within a matter of days, because they luckily had documents resembling what the PP saff expects others like me instead were forced to obtain and scan documents for months, because our banks or institutions happen to not offer what PP wants. I'm sorry if this sounds mean but I don't want others to be unknowingly put through the sort of experience I've been. You are viewing the PayPal Community Archives. How do we do it? Where to send in identity verification documents. Right now I'm once more in the process of waiting for a "few" business "days" which I wouldn't mind if I was sure this is the end of it, and they won't find god knows what wrong with this document as well. Interesting how they limit your account and require all this information in a split second then take so long to actually look at it. The help came from an unlikely source: I received some money through a card I have with Payoneer (a bank and payment processor similar to PayPal). Interesting how they limit your account and require all this information in a split second then take so long to actually look at it. Today I received a payment, so I login to my account to withdraw money to my bank account. Hope this helps. It tells me "Thanks for providing your documents. Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Is it "apartment ##", "apt. Confirm your identity. Second, I don't know which document they want my address to match! I decided to upload it to PayPal, and this time the issue was solved within minutes. This content may be old or outdated. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. It's definitely a relief to see all warnings and limitation lists erased, and to have just been able to withdraw the money frozen in my account to pay my overdue rent. Thanks a lot. PayPal's understanding of what "a few working days" means is radically different from the rest of us. 3. So far I haven't received any word from them in 10 days, which feels like a bit more than a few working days. It is precisely the one that does not show my address at all. Paypal keeps asking me to confirm my identity. Who takes those decisions, who establishes this criteria, who checks those documents, can I even suspect they aren't doing this deliberately to troll users? I'm sorry once again if my worries are unfounded like I said I don't usually deal with this kind of procedure and it's a bit stressful until I know that it's been solved. Can I send money on PayPal without verifying? I'm sorry if this sounds confrontational, but right now I'm sincerely at the end of the rope with PayPal, and I'm sure anyone who's read the previous posts can see why. You might also need to provide us with: An image of your Government ID. Currently I can still send and receive money, the only limitation is not being able to close my account which I don't plan on doing anyway however I understand it may get worse over time if the situation isn't resolved. I (finally) received a new email update this morning. Please tell me if I'm the one being unreasonable here, because I believe I've managed to be more patient than most folks would have been at this point after spending hours running across the city and scanning documents just for PayPal, and being met only with mockery in return. This content may be old or outdated. Tip: These steps are for people who must verify info to purchase Google products or services. How long does it take for paypal to verify photo ID?? They would be making millions in interest from refusing to allow legitimate transactions to take place and investing the money in overnight money markets. Well they just sent a code thru text and e-mail (the same e-mail I have in Paypal as well) BUT For the identification, it took 6-12 hours before they permitted me to confirm my identity and it's just on the site itself, I didn't have to reach through their contact support, email and stuff But I see an alert asking me to confirm identity. It's been over a month now. In reality, I am the one waiting for PayPal's response and for the staff to look at what I sent them. The old address was correct and complete as far as I can tell, but should I even wonder at this stage? To verify your identity in the Google Pay app, follow these . Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. How long does it take for PayPal to verify my ID? PayPal now has one final demand from me: To edit my address settings and match my address to this document the document that does NOT have my address. This content may be old or outdated. Verification can take a few days, you can call if not completed in a week or so and speed it up. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. How many people have they left homeless or without food and electricity, because folks made the mistake of trusting the so called #1 online payment processor with basic reliability? Now, if a merchant owes you a refund and you have proof (PROOF IS KEY) such as an email, chat, etc.. then after 14 days of the merchant saying they issued a credit PayPal can jump in on your behalf. I'm having concerns regarding one of the procedures Paypal seems to have introduced for users. I believe this is due to some law in the US regarding money laundering, which requires all banks to gather informations on their customers apparently that ended up affecting even how services like Paypal have to relate to their users, whether we care about the world's games of 'cops and robbers' or not. After receiving a payment on my Paypal account, Paypal informed me that my account would be limited until I provided proof of my identity and residence. I'm additionally getting ready to publish my experience everywhere I can, in order to let everyone know of what happened to me and warn them; PayPal has zero respect for its users, and does not give a damn even about those of us who depend on them for money we need to survive! It confirms your identity and verifies that you own the card associated with your PayPal account. Linking and confirming your debit or credit card helps protect your account: It increases security within the PayPal community. Can take up to a few weeks, dependent on how busy they are. I am not told which document was accepted or rejected, and in fact I don't even now know if one was finally accepted to begin with. I click the link, it says my identity was confirmed, my account is back to normal. It limits the risk with stolen credit cards and fake identities. So I got dressed immediately, did the one hour walk through cold and rainy weather between my home and the bank I use with PayPal, and got a statement. I would appreciate some input from other users, and if possible a member of the staff looking into this as well. But I see an alert asking me to confirm identity. You can't even speak to anyone, their help line is crap and everything else is too. I'm going to post about this simply because I don't even any more: PayPal finally decided to accept one of the bank statements I sent them as proof of address for the address verification procedure. During this time, PayPal has been silently rejecting every document I was submitting neither the account interface nor any email notifications informing me that it was happening and PP wanted me to submit yet more documents. You should hear back from us pretty quickly, but in some cases, it could take up to 2-3 business days". Is this even real life right now? - Carlos. You are viewing the PayPal Community Archives. 5. You should hear back from us pretty quickly, but in some cases, it could take up to 2-3 business days". Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. it is important that all the steps listed in the Resolution Centre are completed; otherwise, the relevant team will wait till they all are completed.
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