un women's rights council iran

China also openly discriminates against women in the workplace, especially if the woman has children, and has a domestic violence epidemic. Meanwhile, members of the UN Security Council discussed the situation in Iran on Wednesday in New York at the initiative of the United States. The vote elicited swift condemnation from human rights activists. We remain steadfast in upholding the rights of women and girls in every part of the world. Since 1946, the Commission on the Status of Women has worked to promote gender equality and empower women around the world. The United Nations is facing growing scrutiny in the wake of Irans election to a top committee on womens rights within the organization. This is a black day for womens rights, and for all human rights.. We align with the remarks by theHigh Commissioner for Human Rightson the need to ensure the rights to due process and release for all womenwho have been arbitrarily detained and with theSpecial Procedures of the Human Rights Council, in the call for the Iranian authorities to hold an independent, impartial, and prompt investigation into Ms Aminis death, to make the findings of the investigation public and to hold all perpetrators accountable. We call on relevant authorities to support and enable the expression of their full human rights in a safe environment without fear of violence, prosecution, or persecution. SHARE. The United States will try to remove Iran from the 45-member U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) over the government's denial of women's rights and brutal crackdown on protests, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said on Wednesday. US Criticized for Response to Iran's Election to UN Women's Rights Commission. The Oslo-based group Iran Human Rights said at the weekend at least 253 people have been killed since the protests began, 34 of them aged under 18. The UN Security Council is due to hold a . "Given the delicate timing talks in Vienna, upcoming Iranian elections, leaked (audio) tape of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif I am assuming that the Biden administration didn't want to give political ammunition to anyone in Iran," Slavin said. The United States announced on Wednesday it will seek to oust Iran from the UN's premiere global body fighting for gender equality because of its violation of the rights of women and girls and its ongoing crackdown on demonstrators who took to the streets in September after the death of a 22-year-old woman taken into custody by the morality police. ", Neuer noted that when Iran last was elected to a seat on the women's commission in 2014, then-U.S. President Barack Obama's U.N. "The Biden administrations refusal to condemn Iran's election to the commission is a failure of leadership and a marked departure from what the Obama administration did," Neuer said. Ms Harris became the most senior US official to call on the UN to remove Iran from the commission. At the informal council meeting, Prof. Javaid Rehman, the UN special investigator on human rights in Iran, called the situation since September 16 an unfortunate reflection of the impunity and absence of accountability for rights violations in the country. The US and Albania held an informal UN Security Council meeting to look for ways to promote investigations into Iranian human rights abuses. Head-to-toe veiled Iranian women walk at the shrine of Saint Saleh in northern Tehran, April 6, 2021. "The Islamic Republic of Iran's longstanding, systematic oppression of women should have disqualified them from election to the CSW," says the letter signed by the former first ladies and many others, citing decades of legally-enshrined . Credit: U.N./Jean-Marc Ferr. Harris said that the United States would work with other nations to oust Iran from the UN . Of the. Its absurd and morally reprehensible. UNITED NATIONS (AP) The United States announced Wednesday it will . ", Iran's poor record on women's rights was under fire at the world body as recently as last month. We align with the remarks by theHigh Commissioner for Human Rightson the need to ensure the rights to due process and release for all womenwho have been arbitrarily detained and with theSpecial Procedures of the Human Rights Council, in the call for the Iranian authorities to hold an independent, impartial, and prompt investigation into Ms Aminis death, to make the findings of the investigation public and to hold all perpetrators accountable. The U.N.'s Economic and Social Council voted to elect Iran and China to the Commission on the Status of Women, which is "exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women." Iran received 43 votes and China 48 votes out of a total of 53 votes. At Thursday's State Department press briefing, spokesman Ned Price repeated much of the written statement sent earlier to VOA concerning the U.S. reaction to the vote. The remarks, which were provided to VOA on Thursday and largely repeated later at a State Department briefing, mark the United States' stand on the election of Iran to the U.N.s Commission on the Status of Women. The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. By AFP. We remain steadfast in upholding the rights of women and girls in every part of the world. Iran was elected to the UN's Commission on the Status of Women, an organization that works to be the global champion for gender equality. Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, an umbrella agency of 2,000 U.N. employees working on women-related issues. ", Hillel Neuer, executive director of Geneva-based UN Watch, commended the Biden administration for forcing last week's U.N. vote for the Asian members of the commission. We consider the election of the extremely misogynistic regime of Iran as an insult to all Iranian women, the main victims of this regime during the last four decades, the Association of Iranian Women in France said in a statement released with their counterparts in Italy and Sweden. Javaid Rehman, an attorney who acts as the Special . The United Nations on Tuesday voted to elect notorious human rights abusers Iran and China to the international bodys commission on womens rights. WASHINGTON -. The U.N.s Economic and Social Council voted to elect Iran and China to theCommission on the Status of Women, which is exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Iran received 43 votes and China 48 votes out of a total of 53 votes. united nations (ap) the united states announced wednesday it will seek to oust iran from the u.n.'s premiere global body fighting for gender equality because of its violation of the rights of women and girls and its ongoing crackdown on demonstrators who took to the streets in september after the death of a 22-year-old woman taken into custody Harris said that the United States would work with other nations to oust Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women, whose members are elected to four-year terms. UN Women stands with the women of Iran in their rightful demands to protest injustice without reprisal, and to be free to exercise their bodily autonomy, including their choice of dress and also supports them in seeking accountability, and the upholding of their basic human rights as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations. Vice President Kamala Harris announced that the U.S. will work with partners to attempt to remove Iran from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women ( CSW ), the. After decades of U.S.-Iranian hostility, the Biden administration began indirect talks with Iran through European mediators in Vienna earlier this month. Published: November 03, 2022 05:45 AM GMT. Iran is just starting a four-year term on the commission, which meets annually every March and aims to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. The Bureau for the 67th session (2023) of the Commission on the Status of Women comprises the following members: H.E. But it fell short of the explicit denunciation of the outcome that many rights advocates had hoped for. Vice President Kamala Harris vowed Wednesday that the United States would work to remove Iran from a UN body on women's rights as she saluted the . On Wednesday, Iran was elected to a second four-year term on the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a body charged with advancing gender equality and the rights of women around the world. Iran has faced international condemnation after one of the country's most prominent human rights lawyers, detained for eight months, said she had been sentenced to a total of 38 years in prison and 148 lashes, according to her husband. On Tuesday, the U.N. Economic and Social Council voted to elect the two countries to the Commission on the Status of Women. The commission is. The United States has reiterated its concern about Irans poor human rights record in its first official comment on the Islamic republics election last week to the United Nations top legislative body on womens rights. Human rights groups immediately expressed their chagrin and condemned the U.N. vote. UN Human Rights Council must hold a special session on Iran. As recently as last month, Iran's poor treatment of women and humans in general drew the attention of the UN Human Rights Council. "Iran has. "The State Department still won't say whether it voted for Iran, won't criticize Iran's accession to the commission, and hasn't once condemned the regime's treatment of women beyond language buried in the mandatory annual U.S. human rights report," Noronha told VOA Persian. UN Women statement on women's rights in Iran. In his annual address to the U.N. Human Rights Council, Javaid Rehman, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, noted "some positive steps" for Iranian women and girls in education and in citizenship rights. Both nations have called it an effort to bring each other back into compliance with a 2015 nuclear deal called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a deal from which Trump withdrew in 2018 and which unraveled further the following year when Iran began openly defying its limits on nuclear activities that could be weaponized. Both countries received dozens of votes from member states. A regime that does not allow women to make decisions for their own bodies has been elected to a body to monitor the condition of women around the world, Masih Alinejad, a US-based womens activist, said in testimony before the Swedish parliament. November 2, 2022 at 7:52 pm. Ambassador Samantha Power denounced the outcome as an "outrage.". The United Nations Economic and Social Council elected Iran to the Commission on the Status of Women last week. The U.S. statement also drew a critical response from Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department special adviser on Iran under President Joe Biden's predecessor Donald Trump. UN Women Supports Women's Rights In Iran By OMMCOM NEWS On Sep 28, 2022 New York: In recent days Iran has seen deep public unrest, with demonstrations and protests taking place in some 80 cities, triggered by the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, who was detained by authorities in Tehran on September 13 and died, while in custody, three days later. Electing the Islamic Republic of Iran to protect womens rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief, said Hillel Neuer, executive director of human rights group UN Watch, which first reported Irans election to the commission. U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield has yet to comment on Iran and Chinas election to the womens rights commission. Last Tuesday, the UNs Economic and Social Council elected Iran along with China, Japan, Lebanon and Pakistan to the Commission on the Status of Women, the principal team handling the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.. An announcement by the U.N. on Wednesday said that Iran and Nigeria, another country that is no stranger to human rights abuses, would be promoted to the international organization's. Iran was elected to the Women's Rights Commission after receiving 43 votes Iran and China, two of the world's leading abusers of human rights, have been elected to the United Nations' commission on women's rights. Atlantic Council analyst Barbara Slavin, who has supported the Biden administration's bid to revive the JCPOA, told VOA Persian that she interpreted its statement on the U.N. vote as "strongly suggesting" that the U.S. opposed Iran's candidacy for the women's commission. The ensuing government crackdown on protestors and innocent bystanders has led to an alarming human rights situation and growing calls for the United States and the international community to mobilize to address these . The Islamic Republic of Iran, where the legal age for girls to marry is 13, began a four-year term this year on the UN's Commission on the Status . Help JNS grow! Iran's presence alone discredits the integrity and work of the body. US to Seek Iran's Ouster From UN's Top Women's Rights Body. Likewise, at least nine Western democracies must have voted for China. expresses support to the young iranian women leading and participating in the protests despite the difficulties and personal repercussions they are facing; strongly condemns the violence and discrimination against women in iran and deplores that women are obliged to wear a veil against their will on pain of violent reprisals or even death; calls Afghan journalist Zahra Nader: Creating a platform for Afghan womens voices to be heard, No peace without women: Afghan activists on why women's representation matters, Press release: Amidst increase in violent conflict, the situation for women, peace and security worsens, new UN report shows, Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. In recent days Iran has seen deep public unrest, with demonstrations and protests taking place in some 80 cities, triggered by the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, who was detained by authorities in Tehran on 13 September and died,whilein custody, three days later. We reiterate our expression of condolences to the family of Mahsa Amini. Iranian women's rights activists condemned the election of Iran on Tuesday to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, a body "exclusively dedicated to gender equality and. Here's how Donald Trump sabotaged the Republican midterms, 'SNL' staff writers boycott over Dave Chappelle's hosting gig, Gen Z party poopers have ruined after-work drinks: 'I enjoy my life', Alicia Keys, Justin Bieber to perform at Takeoffs funeral: report, Kim Kardashian details extreme process of preparing for Met Gala 2022, See Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry and all the stars at the CMA Awards 2022, Car cartwheels through air in wild crash video, Alyssa Farah Griffin Says Trump Was Single Biggest Loser of Midterms After Lavender Haze Swept Country. Ms. Mathu Joyini (South Africa), Chair (African States Group) Ms. Pilar Eugenio (Argentina), Vice-Chair (Latin American and Caribbean States Group) A human rights activist stages a protest with a placard that depicts women's rights campaigner Yasaman Aryani on a square near the Iranian embassy during Women' s Day in Paris, March 8, 2021. Iran won 43 votes in the anonymous ballot at the UN's 54-nation Ecosoc, the smallest number of votes of those newly elected to sit on the panel from . Amnesty International and 42 other organizations called on the UN Human Rights Council to hold a special session on Iran as a matter of urgency, and urged the Council to establish an independent mechanism with investigative, reporting and accountability functions to address the most serious crimes under international law and other . In the April 20 secret ballot, 43 of the 54 nations in the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) elected Iran to the commission for a four-year term beginning next year. Roya Boroumand, co-founder of Washington-based rights group Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, told VOA Persian she was troubled by the absence of U.S. officials' comments expressing outrage about Iran's election to the U.N. commission "at a time when scores of women's rights advocates are serving hefty prison terms in Iran.". Just last month, the State Department released a report calling Iran an authoritarian theocratic republic that commits significant human rights abuses including a lack of accountability for violence against women. The legal age of marriage for girls stayed at 13, and fathers and grandfathers could obtain permission from courts for their daughters to be married at a younger age, the report found. Iran is in the midst of a women-led uprising demanding the end of clerical rule with the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom." The nationwide protests were set off by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa. The United States called Wednesday for Iran to be removed from the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the main intergovernmental body dedicated to . UNITED NATIONS The United States announced Wednesday it will seek to oust Iran from the U.N.'s premiere global body fighting for gender equality . "But the statement is far too diplomatic-speak for my taste," she added. In a statement emailed to VOA Persian on Thursday, a State Department spokesperson said, "The unopposed candidacies of countries that engage in torture, abuse, and violations of human rights and due process was a troubling feature of this election.". Admin. ADDS quotes from UN session, Iran reaction. This article originated in VOA's Persian Service. UN Press Release, GENEVA (8 March 2021) - Women and girls continue to be treated as second class citizens in Iran, a UN expert says in a report to the Human Rights Council, citing domestic violence, thousands of marriages of girls aged between 10 and 14 each year and continuing entrenched discrimination in law and practice. Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images, Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto via Getty Images, 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Biden vow to free Iran was expression of solidarity: WH press secretary, Videos show Iranian anti-hijab protesters knocking turbans off heads of clerics, North Korea sends Russia artillery shells for Ukraine war: White House, US wont hesitate to act as Iran plans imminent attack on Saudi Arabia: report. September 28, 2022. UN Women stands with the women of Iran in their rightful demands to protest injustice without reprisal, and to be free to exercise their bodily autonomy, including their choice of dress;. As many as 450 Iranian women are murdered in honor killings every year. Also in 2019, authorities forced a pair of twin sisters to record aconfession in which the sisters called themselves naive, dumb, and passive and of weak personality, for protesting hijab laws, according to the report. Iran has been gripped by protests since the death of 22 . Because Iran just sentenced a female human rights lawyer to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. A regime that treats women as 2nd class citizens, jails them for not wearing compulsory hijab, bans them from singing, bars them from stadiums & doesnt let them travel abroad without the permission of their husbands gets elected to UNs top womens rights body, she continued, noting the nations stringent rules on women. Article. Since 2017, the government has detained at least one million Uyghur Muslims and other minorities and forced them into re-education camps, where they are meant to learn loyalty to the state. The vote by the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has sparked outrage among human rights activists - with calls for the countries involved, including the UK, to reveal how they voted. This work is vital. As recently as 2019, a U.N. panel chastised Iran for its poor record on womens rights and urged the country to adopt specific improvements. UN Women stands with the women of Iran in their rightful demands to protest injustice without reprisal, and to be free to exercise their bodily autonomy, including their choice of dress and also supports them in seeking accountability, and the upholding of their basic human rights as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations. By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press. The authorities failed to criminalize domestic violence, marital rape, early and forced marriage and other gender-based violence against women and girls, which remained widespread. Thursday's State Department press briefing. The countries' four-year terms on the commission will begin next year. Women are severely limited regarding their physical mobility, education, financial independence, and work opportunities and pay. Women are not permitted by the government to have certain jobs, and must remain covered in public as a result of mandatory headscarf laws. UN Women statement women's rights in Iran. Iran has been appointed to several key United Nations committees that oversee the protection of women's rights and global human rights. (AFP) The United States will seek to remove Iran from the United Nations Commission for Women's Rights, Vice President Kamala Harris said on Wednesday, highlighting the "courage" of protests against that Islamic state's government. WASHINGTON: The US will try to remove Iran from the 45-member UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) over the government's denial of women's rights and brutal crackdown on protests, US . 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But he said "egregious gender-based discrimination persists in law, practice and societal attitudes, disempowering women and girls from participating and contributing in society. Iran, which is not currently a member of the commission, was one of five Asian nations nominated by ECOSOC's Asia group for seats on the body, with the others being China, Japan, Lebanon and Pakistan. The following is a near-verbatim transcript of today's noon briefing by Stphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General. Last Tuesday, the UN's Economic and Social Council elected Iran along with China, Japan, Lebanon and Pakistan to the Commission on the Status of Women, the principal team handling.
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